When your order has been shipped, you will be notified through email. It includes a tracking number, which you can use to check the status of your order. Please allow 48 hours for your order information to be completely updated. We strive to make our customers satisfied with the product they have purchased from us. If you have any issues with your order, please contact our customer support team at [email protected], we will be happy to assist. To estimate when you can expect your order, please refer to the time frame below. It includes our most popular products and the following time periods:


  • USA Standard Shipping cost: $6.95
  • Rest of world Standard Shipping cost: $9.95
  • FREE SHIPPING for order over $120


Shipping ZoneProcessing TimeShipping Time
USA Standard Shipping5-7 business days7-21 business days
Rest of world Standard Shipping5-7 business days10-25 business days

Processing Time: The time when your order waits in the production queue until being produced. Our production timeline may shift daily depending on overall order volume.

Shipping time: From the time package is handed over to the delivery company to when it arrives at its destination. In addition, if your order is personalized and/or needs modifications, it may take a few days for our designer to make customization. Design time will depend on the complexity of the request. (Please keep in mind that this is only an estimate; actual delivery times may vary by 10-15 days due to epidemics or customs clearance)

Customer Note:

  • To ensure that your package is properly delivered and that you receive your package within the time frames we advertise, please make sure that your address is correctly entered and includes all relevant and/or required information.
  • If you order different models, you may receive multiple packages.
  • In peak season, your parcel may arrive late than expected delivery. We’re so sorry for this inconvenience and hope that you can understand for us.

If you have any questions about shipping, you can contact us by email: [email protected]